High achievers

The College of Dentistry Class of 2013 celebrates after their White Coat Ceremony./Photo by Jesse S. Jones
So who recently received 100 percent pass rates on a national exam? The College of Dentistry Class of 2013 … and the College of Nursing students who took the acute care nurse practitioner exam. In Dentistry, the class of 2013 (shown here) achieved an outstanding 100 percent first-time pass rate on Part One of the National Board Dental Exams in June. In Nursing, advanced-practice nursing graduates continued to perform better than the national average, with a 95 percent pass rate on their national specialty certification examinations. This year those taking the acute care nurse practitioner exam achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the first attempt. Congratulations to all of the students, and to the faculty and staff who played a role in these accomplishments.