Class notes …
Two first-year accelerated B.S.N. students from the College of Nursing were elected to the Florida Nursing Students Association Executive Board. Kara Mercer was elected corresponding secretary, and Samantha Smith was elected Region 2 director and chair of the Resolutions Committee. … Michael Bumbach, a doctoral nursing student, was selected by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing to receive a scholarship to attend the 2012 AACN Student Policy Summit in Washington D.C. in March. He was one of only two recipients of the student scholarship. … Two UF dental students were recently selected for national leadership positions for the American Student Dental Association and another is running for president. Carolyn Norton, class of 2014, was selected as the 2012-13 contributing editor on the ASDA Editorial Board. Phillip Bell, class of 2014, was selected as the 2012-13 legislative coordinator for District 4-5 as part of the ASDA Legislative Grassroots Network. Dustin Pfundheller, class of 2013, is running for president of ASDA this year. … On March 17-18, the College of Pharmacy will hold its second Student Pharmacist Compounding Competition. Students from 12 colleges of pharmacy across the United States will be come to Gainesville to compete. The competition was founded to provide an educational experience for the student pharmacist and to increase their exposure to the pharmacy compounding industry overall. … The American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists at UF held its 11th annual Multicultural Dinner at the Indian Cultural Center Feb. 18. The group raised $10,491 to use for medications to take on health outreach trips to Latin America during spring break.