Ask the dean: Anna McDaniel
In 2013, UF Health welcomed three new deans. In this issue, we highlight the College of Nursing’s new dean, Anna McDaniel, Ph.D., R.N. Before she came to UF, McDaniel served as the associate dean for research at the Indiana University School of Nursing, where she had been a faculty member since 1992.
Q: What drew you to UF?
A: I was drawn to UF because I saw it as a natural fit for my talents and skills. I see so many opportunities to forge new collaborations with other colleges and units in and outside of UF. It is truly an exciting time to be a part of such a comprehensive university.
Q: What are your goals for your tenure as dean?
A: My goal is to lead growth and advancement of this great College of Nursing. I have a vision to strengthen our community of scholars. The University of Florida is establishing itself as a preeminent university both in Florida and all over the globe, and I am confident that the College of Nursing will be a part of that. As part of our strategic planning process, we have identified some clear goals for our college, and I am looking forward to leading these efforts. These include:
• Increase research that improves quality of life for individuals and families, promotes population health and has an impact on nursing practice.
• Expand joint appointments across UF Health, the university at large, in the community and in private practice.
• Enhance interprofessional education, research and practice campuswide.
Q: As the field of nursing moves forward, what are the key things you feel the College of Nursing must accomplish?
A: The passage of the Affordable Care Act and the Institute of Medicine’s landmark report on the future of nursing represent an unprecedented opportunity for the nursing profession and our college to take a leadership role in health care delivery. With the promise of increased recognition for the value of nursing comes a heightened expectation for providing high-quality, high-value health care. Also, with looming nursing and nursing faculty shortages, our college needs to explore ways to expand our undergraduate program so we may educate a larger pool of the best and brightest B.S.N. nurses. We have already expanded our academic-practice partnership with our UF Health system and that will continue to grow. We need to explore innovative ways of program delivery for both the B.S.N. and graduate programs. We plan to grow our research programs and harness the already rich multidisciplinary network that UF provides through further collaborations. The college should play an active role in growing UF Health’s interprofessional education and practice programs, which can include expanding our use of simulation in education, and increasing the visibility of advanced practice nursing in the UF Health system. All of these can ensure we are meeting the needs of patient care now and in the future.
Q: What kind of leader are you?
A: I am someone who values collaboration and listening to and learning about people. I like to act as a connector between people and ideas. One of my favorite things about being a leader is bringing together a team of people with varying strengths who can focus on a shared goal.
Q: What are you most proud of within the college?
A: One of the things that stood out to me when I first came here and continues to grow is the unique spirit that is Gator Nursing. I have witnessed this passion and dedication from our faculty, students, staff, alumni and other groups invested in our college. It is why our college has continued to advance and grow even when faced with adversity, such as budget cuts and faculty retirements. I am proud of the renewed energy among our faculty and staff as we embark on our new strategic plan to guide us as expand even further on our “journey to greatness.”