A new center for distance education
Ian Tebbett, Ph.D., an associate dean for entrepreneurial programs and IT in the College of Pharmacy, has established a new UF Health Distance Education Support Services Center to offer a host of support services to any UF health science college for its online programs. The new service unit also works with investigators on grant proposals requiring an outreach component. Graphic, instructional and website designers, and video production teams provide proven approaches to assist other units in creating and maintaining successful and sustainable programs. Working with UF admissions and graduate school staff, a student support team processes more than 1,800 online enrollments each semester. Additionally, the service team offers assistance with marketing, course development and extended technical support for students. In addition, instructional design staff members work with faculty to help design and develop online, blended and traditional courses. To view the online programs being supported and learn more about the service, visit distance.ufhealth.org. — Linda Homewood